European Times

Europäische Zeiten/European Times – A Transregional Approach to the Societies of Central and Eastern Europe (EUTIM) is a joint project of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), the University of Potsdam and the Forum Transregionale Studien in Berlin.

EUTIM takes a look at narratives of time and space at the edges of Europe. Based on historical experiences and ways of thinking in the societies of Central and Eastern Europe, EUTIM analyzes disparate concepts of “old vs. new” and “East vs. West” on a pan-European level, especially in the second half of the 20th century and the present.

Vergangene Zukunft? - Ende der Geschichte? - Zeitenwende? Zeitlichkeitsvorstellungen in Europa

Press release about the new funding phase of EUTIM (in German)


Focus themes

