Judith Sieber
Communications Coordinator
+49 30 89001 422
Judith Sieber studied theater studies and art history in a global context in Berlin and Baltimore. From 2017-2022 she was a research assistant at the DFG-funded Research Training Group “Cultures of Critique” at Leuphana University in Lüneburg. In 2023, she graduated there with the thesis “Kritik linearer Zeit. Zur Sichtbarmachung von Zeit, Leben und Schulden in Diagrammen des 18. Jahrhundert.” The dissertation looks at the “invention” of the timeline in the European Enlightenment. With a view to the contexts, she provides a critique of the universalistic and representation-bound idea of linear time. Judith Sieber works as a writer and editor. Soon to be published by Diaphanes is the anthology “On Withdrawal” on forms of withdrawal in art and cultural practices.