Annette Werberger

Annette Werberger

Principal Investigator / Project Director

Focus theme
Internationalism vs. Cosmopolitism

+49 335 5534 16 2837


Annette Werberger is the director of “European Times – Europäische Zeiten”. She has been Professor of Comparative Literature (with a focus on Eastern European literature) at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder since 2021. Prior to this position, she was a researcher at the Slavic Department of the University of Tübingen. Her research interests include literatures and cultures of Central Eastern Europe and Russia, Slavic literature in a European context, Yiddish literature, the entangled history of literature, and the history of literary studies and ethnology.
Her publications relating to EUTIM include:
Annette Werberger and Erik Martin, “Anarchism and art: The political roots of Šklovskij’s concept of estrangement”, Die Welt der Slaven 66/1, 2021, 130–140.
Annette Werberger, “Transkulturalität in postimperialen Räumen”, in: Alexander Kratochvil, Renata Makarska, Katharina Schwitin, and Annette Werberger (eds.), Kulturgrenzen in postimperialen Räumen: Bosnien und Westukraine als transkulturelle Regionen, Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013, 7–16.
Annette Werberger, “Ethnoliterary Modernity: Jewish Ethnography and Literature in the Russian Empire and Poland (1890–1930)”, in: Gabriella Safran and Andreas Kilcher (eds.), Writing Jewish Culture: Paradoxes in Ethnography, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016, 138–158.
Schamma Schahadat and Annette Werberger (eds.), Weltliteratur in der longue durée, Paderborn: Brill, 2021.

Annette Werberger is in charge of the Focus theme Internationalism vs. Cosmopolitism.