Konferenz Thu 12 Oct 2023 – Fri 13 Oct 2023

Developing Ukrainian Studies: Ukraine in Research and Teaching in the Subjects Slavic Literary and Cultural Studies, Slavic Linguistics in Dialogue with East European History

Conference organized by the research network project “EUTIM” (EUV Frankfurt/O., University of Potsdam, Forum Transregional Studies, Berlin), the Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum für Polenstudien (Halle-Jena) and the Network for Ukrainian Studies (Jena)

Since the beginning of Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Ukraine has been more in the center of public interest. Universities and research institutions contribute significantly with lecture series, panel discussions, conferences and publications to present and analyze current developments and to place them in historical and social contexts. However, there is still a lack of an effective network for research, teaching and transfer, which would help to detach the study of Ukraine from the attention-grabbing cycles of political events and to bring knowledge about Ukraine into permanent circulation.

Aim of the conference

The conference “Developing Ukrainian Studies: Ukraine in Research and Teaching in the Subjects Slavic Literary and Cultural Studies, Slavic Linguistics in Dialogue with East European History” aims to bring relevant scholars into direct exchange. It aims to determine the current status of Ukrainian studies in the above-mentioned subjects in terms of content and structure, to identify potential disciplinary and interdisciplinary research topics for the coming years, and to discuss approaches for the structural and thematic anchoring of Ukrainian studies in university teaching.

The topics identified in the interdisciplinary exchange form the starting point for further activities aimed at the appropriate permanent anchoring of Ukrainian topics in research and teaching as well as the systematic transfer of research results to the public.

A central point of the exchange is the development of ideas for the creation of a network capable of action.

Implementation and key questions

The conference is to implement the following focal points:

  • Networking of the participating scientists from the different disciplines, in particular also of the young scientists
  • Presentation of current research topics, identification of desiderata and cross-sectional topics
  • Establishment of a working group with the aim of developing a strategy for the medium-term permanent integration of Ukrainian topics in research and teaching

In doing so, we would like to discuss two guiding questions:

  • What are important white spots in the engagement with Ukraine?
  • Where does the study of Ukraine in the context of overarching issues offer an interdisciplinary added value that has not been sufficiently exploited so far, also for structural reasons?


more Information: https://www.ukr.uni-jena.de/ukrainistiktagung-2023


Call for Poster


Dornburger Schlösser (Altes Schloss), Max-Krehan-Straße 4, 07774 Dornburg

Conference organized by the research network project “EUTIM” (EUV Frankfurt/O., University of Potsdam, Forum Transregional Studies, Berlin), the Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum für Polenstudien (Halle-Jena) and the Network for Ukrainian Studies (Jena)