Workshop Mo. 27 Juni 2022 | 10:15–11:15
Translating Poetry During Wartime
Workshop & Talk with Daryna Gladun (Ukraine, EUTIM Fellow) and Ruben Höppner (University of Potsdam).
In this small workshop & talk held at the Universität Potsdam and via ZOOM we will discuss the translational process of poetry during wartime. We will focus on the work of Daryna Gladun, her translations and her poetry she wrote since during wartime. The length will be approximately 60 Minutes and there will be time for a short discussion.
Afterwards, there will be another short workshop reserved only for the students of the University of Potsdam who have participated in the course „Of Translation and Kleptomania: Literary Translation in Theory and Practice“. Here we will enter into the concrete translation process of Daryna Gladun’s poems and will be lucky enough to work directly with her.
Montag, 27. Juni 2022, 10:15 CEST
Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 11, Raum 2.27
ZOOM Login Details
Meeting-ID: 670 5235 4067
Kenncode: 23036327