EUTIM Annual Conference Mi. 1 Dez. 2021 – Fr. 3 Dez. 2021 | 14:00–19:30
History of Science and the Challenges of “Non-simultaneity” in Eastern and Central Europe
Annual Conference 2021, curated by Andrii Portnov
The EUTIM Annual Conference 2021 is curated by Andrii Portnov (European University Viadrina) and deals with the focus theme “Compared History of Sciene in the 20th Century“. It aims at re-thinking the challenges of “non-simultaneity” (Ungleichzeitigkeit) when applied to the history of science in Eastern and Central Europe. We would like to reflect on dynamic appropriation/rejection of “old/new” and “East/West” dichotomies, on the ways “western” scholarship was perceived and “theories from the East” were proposed. Inviting researchers with various academic backgrounds from diverse disciplinary fields (history, literary studies, sociology, natural history) we hope to create a space for truly interdisciplinary in-depth discussion. Our conference will be available online (YouTube) and its proceedings could be published as a separate forum in a leading international peer-reviewed journal.
Wed 01 Dec 2021
Opening Talk
Annette Werberger (European University Viadrina), Theories of Scholarship (Science?) between East and West
Moderated by Alexander Wöll (University of Potsdam)
Coffee Break
Panel 1
From Natural History to the History of Ideas: Close Reading of Non-simultaneity in Eastern Europe
Moderated by Bozhena Kozakevych (European University Viadrina)
Tetiana Onofriichuk (Center for Advanced Studies Sofia):
“Defining the distinction: explorations of natural history and society in the Polish provinces of the Russian empire, 1800s – 1840s”
Oleksandr Avramchuk (Warsaw University):
“Where Does the West End? ‘East-Central Europe’ and the Transformation of the Cold-War Slavic Studies”
Andrii Portnov (European University Viadrina):
“The Problem of the Epoch”: Viktor Petrov, Dmytro Czyzhevsky and others
Thu 02 Dec 2021
Panel 2
Literary Criticism in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s – early 1930s: Between Marxism and Formalism
Moderated by Galina Babak (New Europe College, Bucharest)
Oksana Pashko (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy): “Academy Formation of the Sociology of Literature in the Ukrainian literary Criticism of the 1920s: Sociology of Literary Styles and Reader Perception”
Nataliya Vusatyuk (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy): “The Literary Criticism of Kyiv Neoclassicists: Between Formalism and Sociologism”
Alexander Dmitriev (Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, Higher School of Economics Moscow): “Literary Criticism of Alexander Beletsky/Oleksandr Biletsky: In Search for Synthesis”
Fri 03 Dec 2021
Panel 3
The Complexity of Scientific Interactions during the Cold War Era
Moderated by Bohdan Tokarsky (University of Potsdam)
Adela Hincu (New Europe College, Bucharest):
“Non-simultaneity in Cold War social science: The project of ‘socialist sociology’ in Central and Eastern Europe”
Roland Сvetkovski (University of Cologne)
“Backwardness, Control, and Global Governance. The USSR, Cybernetics and the Cold War”
Sergei I. Zhuk (Ball State University, USA):
“To Study the Main Adversary: Soviet Americanists, the KGB, and the Meddling in American/Canadian politics during the 1960s and the 1970s”
Coffee Break
Closing Talk & Sum-up
Nikolai Koposov (Emory University/Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA):
“From Non-Simultaneity to Simultaneity: On the Reception of the Annales School Historiography in Soviet Russia”
Moderated by Elen Budinova (European University Viadrina)